Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New year, but the old me keeps hanging around...

Yeah, can't seem to get rid of her. Anyway...

I guess I'll start with updates since it's been crickets around here for awhile.

My grandmother passed Oct. 29 and I went out to MD for her service in December for three days (alone). My grandfather, Dr. Charles Schnetzler, was hit by a car and brought home the day after Thanksgiving to spend his final days among family and friends. He was still hanging on while I was out there and I even got an eyebrow lift when I talked with him. He passed just two days after I left and the whole family flew out to MD last week for his service.

My grandfather graduated MIT, taught for a year in Oxford, and spent his career with NASA at the Goddard Space Center in Maryland. He rewrote the book on tektites, discovered the probable crater markings for the meteor strike that killed the dinosaurs, was instrumental in building the team that mapped the topography of Mars (recently named one of the scientific advancements of the decade), and as a geologist studied the moon rocks after the 1969 moon landing, finding some element or another that was a replacement for calcium on the moon and apparently was quite important. So yeah, pretty cool.

We actually got to spend Christmas Day at home this year, which is all we ever ask out of Christmas. And we didn't even get accused of ruining Christmas.

The kids started a new daycare Monday and with my absolutely brilliant sense of timing, it was mere hours after our return from MD. The kids love it, though, and it might potty-train the young one in a few scant weeks. They seem to be engaged and learning, and they're definitely exhasted at the end of the day, so yay.

Pants and I are actively attempting to select a kindergarten for Kitten. There are 4 magnet schools in our district that allow applications and specialize in (in order of our preference) 1. Math, Science, and Children's Engineering, 2. School for the Arts, 3. World Studies, and 4. Math and Environmental Sciences. As a kicker, the first three offer all-day-every-day kindergarten for free, while every other school in the district offers only half-time with an option to pay for full time. Cost cutting, you know.

One of our fish, my big blue gourami, died. Lame. We were also unsuccessful in sustaining a healthy-looking Chia christmas tree. And we also ruined all of the extra seeds. Better luck next year, I guess.

My $50 laptop is just about dead, so I'm switching back to the Dell since Pants has moved to the desktop downstairs (better for WoW, you know). So not much Twittering going on until I get my stuff set up on this computer the way I want it.

So there it is. We're hoping for a better 2010, but I'm not sure I will be making any resolutions. I want to lose some weight because I'm in a wedding in August and I've seen the dresses. Ugh. The exercising is tough, though, since I can't run or jump or ski or, you know, stuff. I would like to keep the house cleaner, but here I am on my butt working on the computer.

Happy 2010 everyone.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

2009 was a tough one for you. I'm so very sorry for your losses. Your grandfather sounds like a truly impressive man! Quite the resume! And I'm also sorry about your poor knee and resulting limitations.

Hopefully 2010 will treat you better because you really, really do deserve it, sweetie.

If you ever end up with specific questions re: K, teacher jargon, (some of the many) reading programs, etc., feel free to drop me a line & I'll see what I can remember from, oh, about 4 or 5 years ago now! :)

Unknown said...

Oh wow, lots going on.

Your grandpa sounds like he accomplished a lot in his time here, that's really cool. Make sure to write all of that down in your family tree for future family members, that's the kind of stuff I'm looking for for my family members.

I could never do fancy fish, I need the easy ones or I kill them. Same with plants. Anything that lives inside withers under my touch. Well, except cats and dogs I suppose.

I'd totally choose those schools too, anything that provides the same services for free is a great way to save money. I also like the idea of magnet schools although we aren't fancy enough up here to have anything like that.

It'll be fun to see you at L G's (I assume that's the one you speak of...) wedding. We're finally getting caught up on stuff again, so I sure hope we can make a couple of trips to MN this year.