Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Needing a boost

This is my third week on Weight Watchers and I'm down almost 10 pounds. The first two weeks were good, easy, no problems, I felt committed and motivated.

This week I'm only 3 days in and I'm falling apart. Of my 35 "flex points" for the week, I have 10 left. The last 2 days have not gone well.

So here is my plan for the next few days to get back on track:
Tonight - I will do a short arm workout.
Tomorrow - We will take the kids for a walk after dinner. I will stay within daily points by bringing my lunch and I will drink all 6 glasses of water. I will do a short ab workout.
Thursday - I will bring lunch and stay within daily points. I will do another short arm workout. I will drink all 6 glasses of water.

So here in front of all of you, I am saying I will get back on track and make this work. I am doing well and I can continue to do this. I want my cholesterol to come down. I want to be a healthy weight for my kids. A healthier weight is better for my knee, my asthma, my life.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

Go you! That's awesome! It does get harder when the shiny wears off, doesn't it?

Would setting a timer help you remember to drink your water? Maybe to go off every 15 minutes & then you could drink a quarter of your glass?

Happy Veggie said...

I agree, go you! You can do it.

For water, I bring a water bottle to meetings. It is dorky, but I don't care. I can "mindlessly" drink during meetings and it seems to make it go faster. I also have a huge water bottle, equivalent to three glasses by WW standards. For me, my goals is around 80 ounces of water a day, which is at least four of my bottle.

Allknowingjen said...

Hope the rest of your week is better now that you have a plan! You can do it! We'll be waiting for an update :)

Kashka said...

I have a little sign on my fridge that says, "Food is the Enemy." It makes me laugh, yes, but it also gives me time to re-think whether I'm eating for hunger or for something to do.

Go, You!

Unknown said...

I hear you, stress can make it hard to stick to a healthy plan. I have a 1.1 liter water bottle, if I fill it twice a day I get my 8 glasses of water. I usually don't though...