Monday, April 28, 2008


13 days after Meimei was born. Hospital.

Nurse: Ever had anesthesia before?
Syl: Yes, a couple of times.
N: Any adverse reactions to it?
S: No, not really.
N: Gall bladder surgery is very safe, but there's always a risk when anesthesia is used. Do you want us to use extraordinary measures to be resuscitated if something happens?
S: Uh, yeah, I'm gonna need to live through this.


Happy Veggie said...

Pretty sure that I'll be signing the paperwork about that when the Sprout goes under for her ear tubes.

Unknown said...

Hmm, you'd think every person they treated was terminal or something. I suppose they don't want any crazy lawsuits... "you shou have let me die!" Seriously, some people are so money hungry they'll try anything. Too bad some judges and juries are studid enough to fall for it.

Well, you have to give them an "A" for effort, right?