Sunday, April 06, 2008


Ok, so we're suffering through one of Kitten's worse bouts of constipation and it's killing me. Although I was constipated for most of my life (pre-gall bladder-ectomy), I can't take my kid struggling like that.

What do I do? Call the doctor? Put her on an IBS diet? Stop her from drinking milk? Are bananas good or bad? Peanut butter? Soluble fiber vs. insoluble?

It seems like everyone has a different opinion and no one wants to apply it to a 2-year-old.

I could live with it if it was me, but don't do this to my kid.


Allknowingjen said...

Yes, call the Dr. especially if it's an on-going thing. Bananas are bad. Dr. Sears says WATER+ prunes, pears, plums & peaches (the 4 P's, P is for poop :)
hope she is better soon!

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Prunes and dried apricots? Pumpkin loves 'em.

Bananas are for diarrhea/upset stomach (part of the BRAT diet - bananas, rice, applesauce/juice, and toast). That's more to soothe the system than get it going.

I've heard good things about Fiber One bars from someone I know who had problems with diverticulitis and had to had plenty of fiber. They're tasty.

But you should probably call your pediatrician at at least touch base with him/her about it. They should have some good suggestions... and if it goes on much longer, you can say "Remember when I called you x days ago? Yeah, it's not any better."

Happy Veggie said...

Everything they said, plus I would avoid as much dairy, and white bread products. My godsister lived on white bread and cheese when she was that age and it lead to very very bad things, and ended up delaying potty training.

Unknown said...

Hmm, there were quite a few kids at the daycare I used to work at that got the runs from drinking juice. I'd make a call to the doctor to be sure. Obviously you don't want to feed too much juice or anything because of all of the sugars in it. Poor kid!

Jaysan said...

I heard somewhere that if you eat too much cheese, you can't poop.

DiploWhat said...

dairy can cause constipation. too much fruit can cause the opposite. And, dito on the BRAT diet thing - had to eat that one a lot myself before they realized that I had a c-dif infection (thank you very much antibiotics).