Sunday, May 18, 2008

You're blaming an inanimate object?

Syl: "Why is Buppy all wet?"
S: "Why is Buppy wet?"
Kitten: mumbles something ending in "closet"

After inspection:
S: "Who spilled milk all over the floor in your closet?"
K: "Buppy did it."
S: "I don't think that's true. Kitten, tell me who spilled the milk."
K: "Buppy did it."
S: "I know that's not true, Kitten. Did you spill the milk?"
K: "No."
S: "Yes, you did. Was it an accident, or on purpose?"
K: "On purpose."

And we proceed to have a discussion about what truth and lies mean and why you shouldn't lie. And that lies get you a time out. For three minutes now that you've turned 3.

Mark the milestone, my kid's first lie.


Happy Veggie said...

First rule of lying, blame someone living. Like your sibling.

Jaysan said...

I am soooooo using that line in a few months!

"Jaysan, did you buy a new XXXXX?"

"No, Buppy did it!"

The Sexy Blonde said...

You'll get points for being cute, Jaysan, up until Somebody starts imitating you and then you can have the discussion with him about lies and I'll get to look all stern and matronly and that won't be cute at all!

Pusher said...

At least kids have the decency to be really exceptionally *bad* at lying to start with.

Unknown said...

That's for sure! So far Peanut is still not good at lying. I hope she never gets good at it either, that would mean she does it too often.

DiploWhat said...

In all fairness, I remember getting in trouble for something the dog actually DID do and mom not believing me.

Syl said...

Ok, but the dog is actually a sentient being.