Saturday, May 16, 2009

Random Thoughts

I burnt the crap out of my face today. I was so windy and cold, I never thought to put on sunscreen.

On the bright side, we completed the garage sale today and I hear we might have made over $300. And I got rid of all that crap. And we may be having another one in the fall at MIL's house.

We sent the nukkies to the nukkie fairy tonight. I ran to Target at 9:30 to pick up gifts from the fairy, but at least Meimei was asleep by the time I got back. The nukkie fairy very nearly went overboard with a pony barn and a keyboard, but found she might be overcompensating and got them each a plastic monkey cup and plate instead. She even put back the new purses in the checkout lane.

In other gifting news, Kitten's birthday is today and we got her a scooter. However, since she's totally "Careful Carol", she basically pushes it like she's walking, she doesn't really ride on it. Four years today. I'll always remember her birth as the one that didn't make me want to chew off my own limbs.

I finished the vamp crack, including the new book, and now I'm not sure how I'm going to wait for the next one. I felt like the last two didn't really tie together very well, but maybe they don't have to. They're far enough into the story that the books can be a little bit more random and the fans will still read and enjoy.

And now I'm on the waiting list for the Book Crack selection.


Kashka said...

Happy Birthday, Kitten!

Did you actually buy the latest Vamp Crack? As in, may I borrow it when I hit the Cities (which I'm doing tomorrow, for an indeterminate-length stay)?

Unknown said...

Where did the time go? Also watch that she isn't too careful with those goofy riding toys or she'll end up like my kids 11 and 8 still not willing to attempt riding a bike. They're still afraid they'll get hurt. I had to bribe them with a DS to see if they can overcome the fear. We'll see.

Congrats on quashing those impulses. Hard, isn't it?

Syl said...

I did and you may. I'm desperate to discuss it with someone.

Jaysan said...

What day was that, that we went to Target to buy that book?

Ms. Huis Herself said...

We got Pumpkin a scooter for her 4yo b-day, too (when did they get so old?!) & she was/is also quite careful. At she'll ride the (hand-me-down from the neighbors) small bike with training wheels this summer.

Allknowingjen said...

Happy Birthday to Kitten!
I kind of want that pony barn myself...