Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Groundhog's Day

My first post-op appointment was today and I had the staples removed from my incisions. Apparently there were around 40 and although it's a relatively simple thing, I nearly yakked when it was over. I actually had to lay down. I got through the break, the ambulance ride, the splint, the surgery, and it's the removal of the staples that makes me want to puke. Weird.

They did a couple more x-rays to see how much progress has been made. Although he said it was going really well, apparently my leg saw its shadow and I have 4 more weeks before I can bear any weight on it. That's another 4 weeks before I'm allowed back to work or to exercise the leg at all on my own.

He also said the swelling and tingling in my leg would come and go and that I shouldn't let it stop me from getting up and about, as long as I'm not bearing weight on my leg. So altogether, good news, but I keep thinking this should be going much faster than it is. He reminded me again how serious and traumatic the injury was and that I have to be patient and let the cartilage rebuild itself. Bones heal in 4-6 weeks but cartilage takes longer.


Happy Veggie said...

Ok, email me your address, what time should I stop by on Friday? Preferably during nap time (grandma is babysitting) so after noonish. I'll bring food stuffs.

Syl said...
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Ms. Huis Herself said...

Man. That's a long time to be crutchified.

Also, the _thought_ of having 40 staples removed about makes me yak! You are Wonder Woman!

Jaysan said...

Man, you should have warnings when you talk about that stuff! I was in the middle of eating a wonderful red velvet cake! (thanks Pusher!)

Syl said...

Oops, sorry.