Friday, February 19, 2010

My month of Netflix?

For reasons too weird to mention here, we have a month of Netflix and, temporarily, a blu-ray player that will also stream netflix movies.

So herein begins my month of Netflix. And here is where you get to see my horrific, inexplicable taste in movies.

Fame - ok, we actually got this from the Red Box a week or so ago, but it was recent and, so, worth mentioning. Sorta. It was alright, but definitely lacked the grittiness of the original. At the end, I really felt like I had just watched Camp Rock (non-parents should NOT get this reference). Thanks Disney.

Push - I was interested in this movie from the trailer, and it starred Dakota Fanning and Chris whats-his-face from Star Trek. It was meh. A couple of interesting parts, but some serious plot holes and yeah, just meh.

Sunshine Cleaning - Enjoyable, but quite a bit deeper than I was expecting. I thought it would just be a nutty little dark comedy about cleaning up crime scenes, but then there were all these emotions and relationships. So yeah, good, but wasn't expecting it.


Kashka said...

Your month of Netflix is so far less crap than my month of Netflix.

Syl said...

Wait for it...