Sunday, February 21, 2010

Random Thoughts

I don't like perfume. I wore it in high school and have experimented with it occasionally since then, but it's too cloying to me, too strong. I went to JC Penney today to check out Kat Von D's line in the Sephora section and I tried her Sinner fragrance. It's way too sweet and almost Avon-y. But then, I don't like perfume.

So I wanted to go back to using a bergamot body wash (which Pants hates), but The Body Shop doesn't sell that anymore. They have some mix thing, which I guess I'll have to check out before buying because it's quite expensive.

I had fully intended to sign up for a community yoga class, only to log on tonight and find out the class is full. Both classes, the Wednesday and the Monday class. I got on the wait list for Wednesday, but I guess we'll see.

Apparently there is an all-class reunion this summer in my home town which I will most likely attend. I have also been asked to be the matron of honor in a wedding in August and the dress is, how you say? Unflattering for the fatties. So it's time to get my ass moving.

The kids have been sick since Tuesday with a nasty virus and I will probably be home again with them tomorrow. I will probably have to go in to work tomorrow and get my laptop, and I probably should have gotten it last week so I could be working. I had that dream again this morning that I'm back in college and there is one whole class that I realize I haven't gone to and I'm going to fail. This is my recurring dream when I feel work is getting out of control.

I really need a makeover. I need a haircut. Some highlights.

Maybe I'm just having some end of winter blahs.


Jaysan said...

I could bring the flowbee over...

DiploWhat said...

One of my recurring dreams is that there was some kind of techinical snafu and I never graduated highschool so I have to go back but can never get to class, or get my schedule or whatever, and I start screaming at people because this doesn't make any sense! I graduated from college, so what does it matter if I didn't get my HS diploma due to some error?

Unknown said...

I'm totally over perfume too. I gave it to Peanut and I'm thinking even that was a mistake.

I also have a similar dream though I am in high school when I forget to go to said class, usually math but sometimes something else. I am not sure what triggers it though. I have also had a recurring dream that I am attending high school but I'm also a sub so if the teacher is sick I become the teacher for the class.

They have a great looking new yoga game for the wii that I've been thinking about checking out.

I am SO going to that reunion!!!!!

Is it spring yet?