Sunday, September 16, 2007

I am so over... Fashion Edition

Giant "tote" handbags. What are you carrying in there, your mother-in-law?

Toe cleavage. Wear 'em strappy or don't show 'em at all. Peep-toe is acceptable, but only if it's sling-back. Otherwise it's just weird.

"Women's" clothing departments that suck - I'm not 85, 6'7", or trying to blind anyone. Nor am I interested in using cleavage to deflect attention. And straight-leg pants that look like you could smuggle refugees at the bottom? Not slimming.


Happy Veggie said...

My diaper bag is smaller than most of those purses, and thats saying a lot.
I just want someone to make a cute shoe in a size I can wear...
At least you have cleavage. I still can't fill out most women's size tops, and I'm nursing!

DiploWhat said...

I would like them to start making button down shirts that, 1. actually fit over cleavage without pulling and, if no pulling, 2. have the buttons in the right place so it doesn't gap open right between the boobs. I'm sick of pinning the things because I don't want to give a show from the side. Sorry.

Also totally agree with you on the toe cleavage. HATES IT. And, those stupid round toed shoes. UGLY.

Jaysan said...


Allknowingjen said...

I agree with all of the above- count me in on the fashion coup.

Pusher said...


I confess I had to stop and figure out what a peep-toe, sling-back shoe was, but I think I've got it, and I agree. (Then I had to explain toe cleavage to Puck. We're so unfashionable!)

I'm in too.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree too. Who needs a bag so large you could carry a large dog in it?

Diplowhat has an excellent point about shirts, I was thinking I'm the only one. Whenever I buy a button down shirt there is not one that fits! Either it does things mentioned earlier or it's so big you drown in it.

I wear shoes for comfort, whoever invented the 6 inch spike heel with a 1mm toe point was just cruel!

Nothing ever fits that I like in women's clothes either. When they fit in the chest, they are so gaping at the neck line I feel like I need to wear another shirt underneath so I don't frighten the children. Maybe someone who's a women size should start designing these clothes so we get some of the cute things I find in the junior departments!

On a side fahion note- I love buying capris! Even the petite sizes are too long for me, when I get capris, they're the perfect pant length. No shortening needed.

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Yeah, I don't do much shopping now. Too hard to do with girls in tow, too busy with house stuff, and too frustrating with residual pregnancy belly. (Not that it's every been flat, but still... it's worse.)

But I can't stand toe cleavage either. Blech!

Cleavage? Vas is dat? I do not know dis verd... even while I do de nursing.