Saturday, December 22, 2007

On completing lists

I can never seem to complete a list - mine was pretty ambitious, but I get so close and stop.

I have been wrapping the presents here piecemeal and I'm almost done, just have the kids' left and one for a niece.

I have been dreading the sock monkeys because I think I will screw them up, but I will have to get down to it soon. This weekend, my pretties, this weekend.

The caulking and putting up plastic must be done, but it won't get done until after Christmas, I'm afraid. Several of the rooms still feel very cold without the plastic.

But all else is done. Phew!


Allknowingjen said...

Ditto on the lists- I am a list maker too, but I am forever carrying over the things that didn't quite get done and adding them to a new list. Though sometimes I just scrap them altogether and call it good.

Happy Veggie said...

Call on the sock monkies if you need to. Wait, is it monkeys?

Anonymous said...

I'm a big list person too. If it's not on a list I'll probably forget to do it. I'm with AKJ though, many of my list items end up getting rolled over to a new list. I've got a list that I've been working on for almost 6 years now. I know I'm terrible, aren't I?