Friday, October 23, 2009


So, I'm flipping through Jezebel this evening and watching the "10 Things You Might Have Missed on TV This Week." Kitten runs over to watch one of the videos and Pants immediately protests.

So I flip to the last one and say, "Ok, let's watch Judge Judy."

The Hammer pipes in: "I want to watch Judge Judy on our TV, like at [daycare lady's house].

Oh dear. My kid is watching Judge Judy at daycare? I'm paying this woman to watch Judge Judy with my children?


Unknown said...

Out of the mouths of babes. LOL. At least she's old enough now to verbalize what's going on? Maybe she likes background noise? I have a feeling there's a few things some day care providers would rather not have the parents of their day care kids knowing. As long as it's nothing serious I'd probably just let it go.

Kashka said...

Someone I went to high school with does daycare, and while I'm getting this second-hand (because I haven't "friended" her on FB), I'm told she posts several status updates a day to the effect of: "This day sucks", "I wish today were over", "These kids are monsters." And, from my second-hand source, a large number of her clients/parents are FB "friends". Um....