Sunday, November 15, 2009

Random Thoughts

I just heard on Jezebel that the FDA just put out a new warning on Singulair that it can cause depression. GAH! So my allergy/asthma med and my anti-depressant are canceling each other out?

I cut my thumb big time Friday night and ended up in the ER with 4 stitches. I honestly thought it would be more and that there would have to be internal stitches as well. The cut is about an inch and a half long right on the crease at the base of the thumb. The bleeding caused a huge bruise extending all the way around my thumb up to the first knuckle and all the way down the palm to my wrist underneath the thumb. But I managed NOT to cut the tendon, which would have required an orthopedic surgeon. Again.

I saw a really funny commercial this morning and clapped my hands together laughing, and it really, really hurt.

We now have 7 fish and have become fish people. The cat mysteriously has never even checked out the tank, much less sat in front of it watching as I would have expected.

I am a regular commenter on Jezebel and 70-80% of my comments get promoted. I'm kinda proud of that.

I have a new pair of tennis shoes on the advice of my LPT and she thinks I'm probably gonna have to wear them almost exclusively for the next 6 months. I also have a new pair of Doc Martens, but I haven't been able to break them in totally yet for them to be comfortable.

We bought a new water softener and a new lawn mower and bagger this week. I was talking to my dad today and he was fixing his garage door opener and I said, "Oh yeah, that's on the list, but the doors and openers aren't REALLY broken yet, so they're pretty far down the list." One day, we'll actually fix stuff before it's completely broken.

Speaking of which, I had to take my car in and get the hatch-lock-opener thingy fixed, as it was coming off and finally completely broke in half a few weeks ago. And I got the marker light wires fixed, which have been hanging off the back of the car since last winter, when they were torn loose by a giant chunk of ice.

Oh, and my wedding ring, which was digging in on one side so bad I hadn't worn it in months. They re-rounded it, re-sized it, soughtered it so the two halves wouldn't stretch anymore, and polished and re-tipped it. Now I can wear it again comfortably - so happy to have it back!

Kitten is mostly potty-trained: she hasn't had a pee accident in almost 2 weeks, although we still put her in a pull-up at night. But, she won't poop in the toilet. She is actually pooping now and I don't want to discourage that, but she won't try it in the toilet. I don't want to leave her in underwear at night until she will poop in the toilet, as she usually waits until we change her into one at night to go. Any advice?

And The Hammer won't go in the toilet AT ALL. I've tried bribery (m&ms, her own fish, a Thomas train table). I've tried reverse psychology (I don't want you to go, you are my baby and I want you to stay out of school and stay with me). I don't know where else to go here. This kid will probably train in a day if she would JUST GO. Any advice here?


Happy Veggie said...

For us, all that worked was peer pressure at school and temporary tattoos. Even with that, she still occasionally poops in her undies. Not sure what the triggers on that are, but it sucks. I think she gets too busy playing or is worried about it being "quite time" in her room. I just throw out the undies now.

dremba said...

Could it be fear of the big splash? Are dueling potty chairs an option? We laugh and grunt together. Hey, "Everybody Poops". Do they dig buttons and switches like our kids? Maybe they'd get a kick out of being able to turn the exhaust fan on. #1 likes to sit in front of the heat vent and make "music" by strumming the grate. Are they hurting? If yes, ask about stool softener at the next pediatric appointment.

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Considering the poop issues, I'd maybe wait a little bit longer and let her just keep pooping in the diaper for a couple more weeks. Then yeah, see what does motivate her - maybe temporary tattoos like HV said, maybe having her nails painted while sitting on the potty, maybe a chart with fancy sparkly stickers, maybe a piece of leftover Halloween candy, maybe 10-min of special together time with Mommy playing a game, maybe getting to choose a song to watch together on

Not REALLY knowing The Hammer, I'm still wondering if it's the power. It's one thing she's in charge of, you can't MAKE her do, and she's getting a lot of attention for it. *shrug* Maybe take the attention away about trying, but lavish it on Kitten when she's on the potty, maybe get a second potty chair so The Hammer can then sit down, too, and get some attention...

I dunno, really, I tend to throw out lots of ideas, hoping one might sound possibly useful. :) Penguin's process has been slow, but I'm going to wait until after the holidays to try to finish up this training business and be done.

Ms. Huis Herself said...

P.S. Mary P. writes about a very motivated pooper over on her blog today! :)

Allknowingjen said...

The poop thing- totally normal, most kids pee train first and then take a few months to get the BM thing down. What worked for us was a multi-part toy reward. Everytime she pooped in the potty she got a new piece of the toy (in our case it was a dress up costume and girlfriend wanted to wear those plastic shoes soooo bad! She got to help pick out the toy.) So first night she went, she won the purse, then the top, then the skirt, etc. It was a good weeks' worth of rewards. If she went in the pullup and not on the potty, no big deal, but no new piece either. By the time she "won" all the pieces she had it down.

Unknown said...

Oh, I like AKJ's idea. We did that kind of stuff too. BM part is usually harder to get down, most kids that moved out of the toddler room still didn't have that skill down even if they had been pee trained for months. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

As far as the Hammer goes, I agree that it's probably an attention issue. That sounds so "Peanut" I can't even believe it. I'd only give attention in a positive manner if someone (meaning Kitten) goes in the potty but make it seem like no big deal otherwise. Do you have her sit on the potty when you do, that can help some kids to see mommy do it. Spending time together can also be a bonus to some kids, that's what I ended up doing with Peanut. Does she have any friends that are training at the same time? That helps some kids. Good luck!

The cats not watching the fish is totally weird. I've never heard of a cat ignoring fish.