Saturday, November 07, 2009

A week ago Thursday, my grandmother (my step-dad's mom for those of you wondering which of the myriad of grandparents I might be referring to) passed away after several days in the ICU on a ventilator. She has been ill, but her passing was somewhat unexpected.

Wednesday evening, my grandfather (step-dad's dad) was hit by a car on the highway near his house and injured very severely. He is in critical but stable condition in Baltimore and will be undergoing a second round of surgeries tomorrow. He broke his pelvis, his ankle, possibly his tibial plateau, his scapula (shoulder blade), some ribs, compound fracture of the right humerous (upper arm bone), and several vertebrae. I linked to his Caring Bridge site on the right panel.

Posting around here and elsewhere may be light, as I don't know what the next few days or weeks will bring. I put out the next Book Crack selection and my apologies for the previous, although I'm still 9 days early. But I wanted to get a jump on reserving it, as I may be traveling soon.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family, especially your grandfather. Wishing him successful surgeries and healing.

(I hope I didn't make you feel bad mentioned I didn't finish "Dante Club." The description really sounded interesting & I think I might even have voted for that one when we were first choosing, but I just couldn't get into it. I did already put a hold on "Stiff," though.)

Syl said...

Don't feel bad - I couldn't get into it either.

DiploWhat said...

Try "The Alienist" instead.

Also, sorry so much bad crap is happening at once. My best to your family.

Unknown said...

Thoughts and hugs to you and your family. I hate how all of the bad stuff seems to happen all at the same time. Could we just get a chance to recover please?

Pusher said...

Blogspot seems to have eaten my comment, so I'll try again.

Much sympathy to you and your family. I hope your grandfather is improving, and that your step-dad is coping with all of this okay. I third Diplowhat and Cinj with the damn troubles in battalions. I'm still bitter about 2005. Hang in there.