Sunday, June 17, 2007

Too fast.

We had to drop the mattress down on Meimei's crib to the bottom slot, and I think we will have to stop using the changing table.

I laid Meimei down this afternoon for a nap and when she didn't go down, I went in and checked on her about 10 minutes later. She had turned on the infant crib vibrator to high, so the whole thing was completely shaking, and she was pulled up onto her knees at the end of the crib and was trying to pull up higher. Ack! So I got out the tools and got to work.

She also flipped over onto her knees on the changing table and nearly pulled down the blinds. So I think that will become a bookshelf. Meimei now has her own little basket of diapers out in the livingroom.

She figured out today how to sit on her own by going from her knees to her butt. She still hasn't gotten that she can also just push a little bit when she's resting on her hip and her hand and get sitting.

In Kitten news, she pulled a capital letter Y off the fridge at grandma and grandpa's, turned it upside down, gave it to me and said, "triangle."


Allknowingjen said...

Ah- wasn't it great when they would stay where you put them? good luck keeping up :)

Happy Veggie said...

Wow. So big so fast. Two that move, good luck with that. :)