Sunday, November 25, 2007

So close...

They came. DirecTV. They came. The guy called at 11:15 and said he'd be here in about 45 minutes. It was an hour and fifteen, but hey, he came.

He proceeded to spend over 3 hours switching out the dish. Apparently the guy who hooked us up was a hack, which we knew. But really, we kinda had places to go.

Anyway, so the guy leaves like his pants are ablaze because he is hours late for his next appointment in FARMINGTON already (for out-of-towners, this is at least a good hour from my house) and I turn the channel from the annoying DirecTV informational channel to an HD channel.

And... nothing. They did the whole install, but did something wrong. We get local HD channels, but none of the cable channels.

So now we have to wait for another service appointment for them to come fix it. Aargh.

  • Being half an hour later than you quoted, which was outside of the service appointment time we had anyway. I distinctly remember Orlando saying we were to be the first appointment.
  • Taking so damn long to do it.
  • Not checking the channels before you left.
  • Leaving the old dish for us to throw in the trash.
  • I guess you get a pass for actually coming. It's sad that service should sink this low that this is the best you can do.


Jaysan said...

If you get the other sat channels ok, it's probably just a programming issue and you might not have to wait for a technician....
I would hang onto the old dish, unless they trashed it. Cuz Pants may want to have it in the man-cave.

Allknowingjen said...

Seriously? I would have gone down to their office with a hammer already...Gah!

Happy Veggie said...

The special voice would have been used, and I would be talking to a VP. I have very little patience for sped customer service folks after their company screws me over too many times. I like to make it very clear that its not personal, but if I don't get my issue fixed it will not be very pleasant for you. Usually works, unless someone has the nerve to guess as to why my power is out and won't be back on for days...

Anonymous said...

Dare I say it? I'd call them. Okay, don't hit me or anything. But... I agree with jaysan. Most of the time it would be a programming issue that they may be able to talk you through. I had MANY problems with my dishes in the past and it was easy to resolve the issues.

Syl said...

We called last night first thing and they couldn't figure out what the issue was on the phone. We're getting strange messages on different channels and we didn't know about local channels coming in until this morning, so maybe I will call again.

DiploWhat said...

Oh dear lord!
I vote for some home made dy-no-mite for the old dish.