Saturday, February 02, 2008

The lightbulb went on

I was creating a budget in Excel the other day. Now, I have done this quite often and it's an exercise in futility. It looks great on paper - it all works out. But it never works in real life.

So I was creating this spreadsheet and it occurred to me that, to make this work, one would need to record what they spent, deduct it from that category, and then only spend what was there to spend. Or take it from another category if needed.

I'm sure this all sounds really elementary to everyone, but for the first time it actually made sense to me. It made sense how it would all work. And it all seemed possible.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! I did this many times too. It finally worked when I quit using my credit cards. Now I keep money for each category and don't spend any more than that. I've done well except for all of things I "had" to buy to stage my house....