Thursday, February 28, 2008

Random thoughts

No takers yet on the Nutmeg. C'mon, someone has to be running low.

I admit that I am addicted to Celebrity Rehab and am powerless to control it. Isn't that the first step?

One Step Ahead didn't send my Bi-Fold Door Finger Guard 2-pack with my order, even though they said they had. They are now shipping me a replacement, but with no apology or anything. There had better be a letter in the package when it arrives.

I'm getting the Christmas decorations put away. It's not even March yet!!


Unknown said...

Did you say nutmeg? UMMM, I have 3 actually. I guess I did the same thing as you +1! There are a couple of others too, but I can't remember what they are. It's easy to loose track of all those little bottles. I think you could put it in your freezer and use it when your other one is empty???

I still have my nativity set out on Dad's old victrola, but I got the rest put away. Of course I haven't bothered to put the boxes away yet, but it's actually IN boxes. I didn't do any outside lights this year otherwise they'd all still be up.

Pusher said...

Yeah, two weeks ago I totally would've been all over the nutmeg, but I just bought a fresh one myself. And pumpkin pie season isn't for another seven months, so I don't forsee myself burning through it very quickly.

Congrats on the Christmas decorations!

Happy Veggie said...

Yeah, I bought a package of whole nutmeg before Christmas at Penzey's, so I'm set for a year or two. Start putting nutmeg in everything ala Rachey Ray?

Allknowingjen said...

I'll take the Nutmeg! I thought I had plenty, but I checked and it's actually Cloves that I have two of, but my nutmeg is down to about 1/3 of the container. So if know one else has laid claim, it's mine.
Also, have you tried nutmeg in macaroni and cheese? That's a Martha thing,but it's yummy.

DiploWhat said...

Nutmeg also works well in pasta sauces. You don't taste it, but it actually "opens" your taste buds so you can better taste all the other flavors.

Syl said...

And the nutmeg goes to AKJ. We'll figure out a way to get it to you.

Happy Veggie said...

You could meet me downtown for lunch, give it to me, I could give it to ajd, he could give it to Dude and he could bring it home to akj.

Kashka said...

6 Degrees of Syl's Nutmeg.

Allknowingjen said...

It's like our own personal messenger service... I am going to have to try some in the sauce the next time we have pasta...
Also- please excuse my horrible grammar and spelling above, I apparently needed way more coffee!