Monday, February 18, 2008

Which bodies are you stepping over?

For my "personal development" at work this year, I checked out a couple of books from the AT&T Lending Library. The first has been about creating and presenting change and showing the need for change. Their main point is that numbers and data alone won't sway anyone, that you have to appeal to their emotions and sense of urgency. You have to show them why, not tell them.

One of the stories in the book was about effecting your changes quickly and getting it done while the energy level was up. The guy said his realtor told him that he had to get everything done on his house in the first 6 months or it wouldn't get done at all. "You'll just start stepping over the dead body in the living room. You will learn to ignore it."

Hmmm. How true.

My dead bodies so far:
  • The room with the door that goes into another room before exiting into the main room.
  • The barn door contraption in the basement.
  • The uninsulated hall closet.
  • The shed that is falling down.
  • The non-functional kitchen.
  • The bathroom that is accessible only through the laundry/furnace room.
I could go on.

Where are your bodies?


Kashka said...

I've spent the last 7 years praying that there aren't literal dead bodies under my house. And yet, wouldn't be a bit surprised.

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Oh, goodness - we've been in less than 6 months, so we're still seeing all the many, many bodies... Mr. Kluges has been fixing doors so they actually close and stay closed - those were step-over-'ems for me.

Probably the hardwood floors in such bad shape that I've gotten slivers, the cracks in the walls, the fact that we can't yet park in our 3 car garage, the filthiness of most of the basement, the door to the bathroom that opens into the bathroom toward the toilet.... *sigh* So many, many "bodies."

Allknowingjen said...

OMG- so true! Before I was a home owner, someone was telling me about getting their house on the market and how they had to "fix the hole in the bedroom door" first. And I was SHOCKED that they could live with such a thing. Shocked. Heh.
(I may have to do my own post about this...)
At our house we have the hardwood floors, the blue carpet, the puke colored carpet downstairs, the unfinished bathroom downstairs, and lots of piddly things.

Unknown said...

Hmm, well I fixed most of the "bodies" in BL house. Other than it not selling STILL (grr)

I have many in this house!
Unfinished basement, white walls so bright I can't stand them, short a BR so kids are constantly bickering, no space for all of our furniture so it's jammed into every available space there is,.... I too could go on and on, but I won't bore you any more!

Happy Veggie said...

Wonky wiring, peeling trim outside, logs in the back yard, floors in the bedrooms, moving the rooms, I could keep going, but what is the point.

The Sexy Blonde said...

And it doesn't even matter if the place is brand spanking new, either. There's the space inbetween the cupboards in the pantry that should have a wine rack in it but has cardboard stuck in it so the cat won't get in there, unfinished basements, cement floor that needs waxing, one bathroom has no shower curtain and the other, which we totally plan to put a glass shower door on, instead has a green shower curtain that doesn't go with anything else in the room, a missing shelf in the medicine cabinet, a missing towel hanger in the bathroom, missing window coverings by the front door and kitchen window... Are you seriously still reading? Because I could list all the landscaping work we need to do, but can't because the ground is frozen. And the part where I'm pregnant. Right. That little thing.

Happy Veggie said...

Pregnant/child means you take at least a year and half off from many of those projects. I only recently started to feel I had the time to do other stuff, and then she started to crawl...

Pusher said...

While I agree in theory with the dead body thing, you can't get everything done in the first six months. You just can't. Houses are works in progress, and if you don't ignore the dead bodies, your house will own you: every penny you earn and every moment of spare time you have.

And I'm not just saying that to excuse my own piles of corpses.

Unknown said...

Okay, I don't have your email address on this computer so I thought I'd "cheat".

It fits this category though, so I thought I'd post it here. We FINALLY had a showing today (the first one in 23 days!). I'm praying they loved our house so much that they want to run out and make an offer ASAP. Wanna help me? I'll take as many prayers as I can get! I really need to get that house sold.

Syl said...

I'm on it.

Unknown said...

Thanks! I got an offer... for $25,000 less than I owe. If I can just get the bank to write the rest of it off so I can just accpet the offer, that would be great!