Sunday, September 14, 2008

Boo yah

Best new stand on the farmer's market? The pickle guy. Sweet ginger. I didn't realize bread and butter pickles could be a religious experience, but I think I just heard the good news.


Pusher said...

Is sweet ginger a pickle flavor or creative non-cussing? I can't tell.

Unknown said...

Don't you just love those farmer's markets? I've just recently discovered how much I like them.

Allknowingjen said...

LOL at Pusher - I so want to start yelling "SWEET GINGER!" or even better "Sweet Ginger Pickle! What do you people want from me!"
It's pretty satisfying.

DiploWhat said...

My classmates used to laugh at me every time I said "sugar" or "crappa-tappa". I will now have to add "sweet ginger (pickle)" to the lexacon.

But, just so we're clear, no pickle should ever be sweet. Nor should they be served with Italian food. Yuck. It's gotta be dill, and even then not with Italian food.

Happy Veggie said...

Where? Direct me? Is there still time today?

I disagree. Italian pickled veggies saved me when I was pregnant.

Happy Veggie said...

Found at weekend market, purchased.

Think they can cure this cold I have?