Sunday, September 28, 2008

A day in the life

Kitten: No more myoogits (music). I don't like this one.
Syl: Why? I like it. What's wrong with it?
K: I... I don't like it.
S: Does it make you sad?
K: Yeah. It makes the trees cry.

K: Meimei, look, a school bus!
M: (in perfectly clear words) That's awesome!

Kitten licks the inside of her arm, elbow to fingertips, at the dinner table. Syl busts out laughing.
Pants: Kitten, what are you doing? Don't do that, it's gross.
Kitten does it again. Syl stifles another giggle.
S: Daddy asked you not to do that honey.
K does it again.
S: Kitten, we don't lick ourselves like that at the table. You're not an animal.
Syl must then turn away and cover her face. But Kitten does stop the licking.

Kitten and Meimei slide backward down the stairs on their stomachs. Over and over.
"Momma, I slinky!"
Thanks, Nana and Papa.


DiploWhat said...

When little, I used to slide down the stairs back home all the time. Of course, my mom would always yell at me saying it was too hard on the carpet, but what did I care?

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Ahhh, poor trees!

We have the problem of having to not giggle when correcting the kids ALL THE TIME. It's especially hard when we catch the other parent's eye and know there's a giggle being stifled there, too.

"I slinky!" = great.

Unknown said...

LOL. I think kids are made to give us funny stories to share with others. I often have to try to stiffle a giggle with my kids too. It's nice when at least one parent can be straight faced. :)