Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Dying for a Big Mac

Yes, I would have done anything, shagged anyone, for a cheeseburger and fries this evening. Not having money is the best diet I've ever been on.

Yesterday, to my dismay, I discovered that the bank had taken $200 out of our main account to cover a $10 overdraft on my personal account. My own fault, I know. But $200? And today my main account overdrafted before I could get $150 moved back over.

We're just starting to get our money in order and I have to throw away another $60 on bank fees.

So no cheeseburger for me. I spent $.65 today, total. I have $6 left until Thursday because I put all the rest of my cash in our account, which is actually far more than I'll need if I bring lunch and coffee like I did today. Weird.

Plus, my mom is having my uncle call me about the framing since he just finished his basement the same way. The real question is, can I frame the wall with the ugly 70s bracket shelves and build in nice, classy looking bookshelves in their place? I mean, while still insulating appropriately and not spending a billion dollars?


Happy Veggie said...

Call your bank about them transferring too much. You may be able to get them to at least reduce the fees because they did more than was needed. If it doesn't work, all that you'll be out is a little time.

Happy Veggie said...
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Anonymous said...

What if they brought a shake too?

Syl said...

I was already willing to shag for a cheeseburger, what do you want for throwing in a shake? Handcuffs?

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Oh MAN! Talk about a kick in the teeth!

Unknown said...

Ugh. Tell me about it. Those banks and their fees, but most of the time they will take at least half of the fees if it can be seen as an error partially caused by them. Good luck!

I think having no money is the best for curbing eating out spending. Did you know you can make pretty good tasting burgers in your oven on a broiler pan? Sure beats shivering out at the grill in this weather!