Friday, December 08, 2006

Photos of my debacle

This is my fridge.

In my kitchen.

Taking up half of the space in my kitchen because it doesn't fit into it's rightful refrigerator cubby.

Bad refrigerator!

But it's hard to stay mad at something so pretty. When I can be mad at the ugly cabinet instead.

This is my food. It was getting tired of being cooped up in the fridge, so I let it outside to get some air. It likes to bask in the sun and say hello to the neighbors.


Kashka said...

D'OH! Please tell me that you're not going to do the Camp Character method of just beating at something with a hammer until it fits.

Syl said...

Um, no. I was thinking of removing the cabinet and putting in an open shelf in it's place.

Allknowingjen said...

Thank goodness for natural refridgeration huh? I hope your food behaves itself out thre.

Jaysan said...

I had to build a new cabinet to get the new fridge in the old spot. It's not that hard....