Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Random Thoughts - Christmas Edition

It may be completely misguided, but since the family that got stuck in the woods I have been really worried about being lost and stuck. I have started an emergency kit in a backpack that I keep in the car and I am waiting on the remaining items that I mail-ordered from a survival store. The thing that really worried me was that the mom nursed her 7-month-old and her 3-year-old during the 9 days they were out in the woods. I can't do that. What will I do with my kids if we get stuck? I can feed Kitten the energy bars I will be ordering (the most calories for the size, and they say they actually taste good), but what about Meimei? Could I nurse her still if needed?

I thought I was done with buying Christmas gifts Saturday, but when I got home I remembered one of my step-sisters and my step-brother's three kids. Plus Pants is still getting his brother something, which will be taken care of tonight, and he has to get a dice game gift ($10 gift card in a clever wrapping). Last year, his dice game gift was the best - $10 in quarters in a wooden chest. And one of his friends insists on buying us a gift each year, so they have to be taken care of also.

In addition to the survival supplies, I am waiting on Meimei's car seat and replacement parts for my double stroller in the mail. And I think my mom is sending the girls something for the girls for Christmas.

Did you know that Xmas is actually a religious moniker? The X is the greek letter for Jesus, I think. I read that somewhere. So all of you who don't appreciate the use of Xmas can get a secret laugh at the people who use it thinking it's a way to get the religion out of the holiday.

Pictures coming soon of the new stove and my new, favorite, nearly naked Santa...


Kashka said...

I haven't gotten to unleash the "The X in XMas stands for Christ, idiot" on anyone yet this year. Usually, though, it's coming from fundamentalists who accuse everyone else of trying to take Christ out of Christmas. Just like the whole "Saying 'Happy Holidays' is offensive to the Baby Jesus" deal. I've said "Happy Holidays" my whole life -- not because I was trying to be inclusive of the 3 Jews in Southern Minnesota (I may be high on that estimate), but because I'd like to wish you a Happy New Year too.

Jaysan said...

I prefer to use Merry XXXmas...heh heh

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Nearly naked Santa?

*shiver of revulsion* You know, I HAD successfully mentally blocked the image that my MIL sent me a few years ago in an email... it was a Santa, naked except for his boots, hat and glasses, laying down on his stomach, and saying, "Turn me over for your present."

And now it's back. Darn you, Syl!

(Oh, but Happy Holidays and Xmas and all, anyway! :) )

Pusher said...

Apologies if this is just my baby-related ignorance, but couldn't you keep a can of formula in your emergency kit?

Syl said...

Kudos to Pusher for pointing out the obvious, which I obviously missed. Um yeah, I guess I could just put some formula in the bag, but that would be the easy way out...

The Dude said...

XXXmas... hmmm... gives the whole wrapped in swaddling thing a VERY different spin...