1. Caragh - my first-born, my goofball, my little Pants-incarnate.

4. Coffee - the #3 reason I wake up in the morning (see nos. 1 and 2 above). Columbian, Hazelnut creme, Amaretto - mmmmmmmm. Smell the roast...
5. Computer - could not live without my laptop. I use it for shopping, cheating on the crossword puzzle, keeping up my blog.
6. Clan - My family and friends are the best clan anyone could ever ask for.
7. Condiments - Is anything really not in want of condiments?
8. Chicken - Oh, satisfier of children, less fatty for the tummy, free-range or cage-fed wonder. I come from a house of yard-bird lovers.
9. Celts - that's right, we love the Irish in this household. In fact, as soon as I go back to work, we will be starting a fund so we can go to Ireland on our 10th anniversary.
10. Conundrums - I love a good puzzle. We regularly attempt the crossword, and I got the 4th Myst for Christmas. Yay!
That's 10. If anyone else wants to play, let one of us know in the comments for a letter. Thanks AKJ!
C is for Cute! And I pretty much concur on all of your 10 items.
I confess, I thought it was a little unfair that AKJ gave you "C" when you had two automatic answers! ;-) But you get extra points for conundrums, and since you're just about the only person I know who didn't have the default chocolate, I guess it balances out.
This was sweet.
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