Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Road personalities

Here are the people who suck at driving:

Bitch who sees my blinker to move into a perfectly acceptable space that someone else has just vacated, but who speeds up into that space like she owns it, although I have already signaled my intention to take said space.

Asshole SUV driver and truck butthead who speed from my lane into the right lane and whip by me. You are not turning, jackasses, you are speeding up to pass me and the four people in front of me before that lane merges back into mine. This is when I would like one of those boxing gloves that you can point at someone and pull the trigger and it punches them several feet away.

Dude who I can barely see in my back window (damn double stroller) because he is driving far too close. Um, hi, we're going 60 on the freeway. One alteration in speed and we are both going to have a very bad day. But then maybe the hatch on my Toaster will get fixed. I hope your insurance has to pay for it.

Scared chick who is driving 50 on the freeway on their way downtown for the convention du jour. I know I am a downtown driving snob, and that it's easy for me only because I do it every day, and I remember how nervous I was driving downtown that first day. But please. If you're this nervous, try avoiding rush hour.

Psycho mini-van driver who does not obey any traffic rule or herd movement instinct. Are your children in there? You concern me.


Happy Veggie said...

See, its an epidemic that whole parking thing. I thought a well signaled I'm gonna take that spot because I've been here waiting for it was enough. Apparently not.

I offer to add one though. The bus driver that thinks just because there is a nice sign on the back of his bus state that busses have right of way, that he can pull out left into traffic when he has his RIGHT blinker on.
I'm not a mind reader.

Pusher said...

What is it about cars that make people think they're playing the "If you knew you could get away with it, would you commit this crime?" game? It's the same mindset. It's like once we get encased in our little glass, steel and plastic motorized world, other people cease to be other people in any sort of real sense. It creeps me out not a little bit.

(Not least because this is also the mindset that makes people think nobody can see them picking their nose in the car. wth? And eew.)

Kashka said...

I've found that the less I drive during the week, the more annoyed I am when I do drive. Not everyone driving around Moorhead can be doctors on their way to emergencies. And even then, it takes no time to use your turn signal.