Monday, October 01, 2007

I am so over...

Kimora Lee Simmons - what are you, other than the rich trophy wife of Russel? He BOUGHT you.

Heather Locklear - I'm just done.

Dancing With the Stars - no one I want to see this season.


Pusher said...

I don't even know who Kimora Lee Simmons is. Other than, apparently, Russel's trophy wife. (Not that I know who Russel is...)

I might have to see who the token old guy is on this season of Dancing With the Stars before I write it off entirely.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm clueless. Who is person #1? I guess I'm just not in touch with anything.

Who has time when you're a taxi cab? Just wait, you'll know what it's like in a couple of years.

How long has Dancing with the Stars been on? At least I've heard of it. I may have seen it a time or two....

Syl said...

Russell Simmons is the co-founder of the Def Jam record label and creator of Phat Farm clothing.

His wife is a vapid former model who now has a show of her own on TV (Life in the Fab Lane?) and keeps showing up on E!