Sunday, October 14, 2007

You're fluin' yourself

Have you seen that new commercial where they encourage you to get a flu shot so you don't give it to your kids? Because, "You're not just fluin' yourself?"

That's bullshit. You know why I get a flu shot? Because my kids are in daycare and they would bring home the plague if it was going around.

I get the flu shot so I don't get infected. BY THEM. Now, that's a commercial.


Allknowingjen said...

I haven't seen the commercial, but I like your version better!

Happy Veggie said...

Yeah, I was perplexed by the commercial too, seeing as the Sprout is our little infection machine. Ajd who never gets sick is on his second major cold.

Pusher said...

Oh that's hilarious! I don't call little Bane and Miasma "the plague rats" for nothing! Invariably the adult who brings the flu to the office is the one who has kids in daycare.