Saturday, October 13, 2007

I do more laundry by 10 a.m. than you do all day

Yes, this weekend is laundry. I want to fix up my bedroom, but we decided we should wait until we could see the floor first. And now that my closet rack is fixed, I have a place to put the clothes when they are clean.

There are also various other small projects I want to finish. Among other things, I want to get a little wicker stand painted for the front hall and get the sidelight window frosted. I feel a little exposed when the neighbors can just look right in, as I occasionally need to run downstairs in my underpants. I think a little artful frost can clear it right up and keep the hallway light.

On the downside, I am starting to consider having to purchase a new door since the one we have is so poorly sealed. Apparently, you can't just buy a new frame for your gorgeous, solid wood, hand-carved door. Boo.

As for the rest of the day, I am attempting to unclog the bathtub drain, after which I will need to attempt to rethread the plug back down into the drain, since MIL pulled it out for some reason after she gave the kids a bath Thursday. It's one of those old ones that is actually connected to the whole contraption, but can be pulled out far enough to clear the drain. It's just a real bitch to get back in.


Anonymous said...

Can't you buy door seals to fit it? I know Menards sells some, although I don't know anything about your door. They're back in the door area in an eisle. May be worth asking about at least?

Syl said...

We did that, with the sticky sided foamy seal, but now it's just really ugly and the door barely shuts. Kinda defeats the purpose of the pretty door.

Anonymous said...

No, not the icky foam weatherstipping for the winter ones. Aren't there ronded vinyl strips you can put on the door as a permanent solution? I mean, the type that you put into channels on the door? Since your door is wood, you could just make the channels with some type of router or whatever. Okay, I admit I'm not up on my tools, but there's got to be one out there that would work!