Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Have we finally learned?

It appears that, after months of railing against the inevitable (and racking up the credit cards in the process), we have come to accept that we have very little disposable income and have started to live within our means.

I carry a coupon book around in my purse. I scour the Sunday paper each week for manufacturer and store coupons. We rarely eat out anymore at a restaurant we don't have a coupon for. I order much more creatively at fast food restaurants.

I have started shopping for Christmas and regularly peruse the Clearance racks for things I know someone will like. I have found some awesome bargains. I have also found several pairs of shorts, pajamas, and tops for the girls for next summer.

The biggest difference is that we eat at home. I am planning menus again and purchasing food based on what's on sale that week. I made Pants a lunch yesterday for work (I know, the good little wifey, puke puke).

We have also been looking at other expenses - I found that the Minnesota Renaissance School, a Montessori school in Anoka, is $10 less a week during the school year, but $75 less per week in the summer for both of them, plus they start getting some preschool education, which I think they are currently lacking at the present daycare. Meimei has to be 2 1/2 and I suspect they both have to be potty trained, but we have a few months to get everything squared away. It also changes our morning and evening routine because we have to cross the bridge each day, so there is more to be worked out on that one, but we're going to try to make it work. What a break in the summer!! And even $40 a month is $40 dollars we didn't have before.

We have also considered refinancing our house, as the rates have gone down a bit since we bought. We would like to stay with our credit union, but I don't think the rates have gone down enough to make it worth it and drop our payment much and I am afraid the value of our house has gone down and it won't appraise high enough. This refinance would NOT be to take out extra money, but merely to get a better rate, although we would most likely have to roll the refinance costs back into the loan.

This month, the busiest month in my toy business so far, instead of continuing to build my demo kit all available profits will go back to the credit cards. Pants is also putting in some overtime to get the credit cards paid up. My secret hope is to pay off the credit cards by the end of the year, although it's really a stretch goal.

As I read this back over, though, I wonder if these are temporary changes that will fall away again, as they have many other times. Some of them are designed to be temporary, but some need to stick much longer if we are to make it until they are both in school.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on getting it all figured out. Isn't it amazing the sacrifices we are willing to make when we are parents? Years from now you'll look back and all of the sacrifice will be SO worthwhile. Imagine all of the money you'll save in diapers having both girls potty trained too! Here's hoping the cuts stick. It took me quite a few tries, but moving seemed to have helped me keep the changes we have made. Hopefully your permanent fix won't require uprooting your family though!

Allknowingjen said...

We're always having to review/re-new stuff like this- especially now that I am at home (and I suspect it would be the same if we had daycare instead) Just recently we are back on the meal planning wagon, when we sat down to it, I couldn't believe how much we were spending on food/eating out. Blah.
No fun- but it is a good feeling when you stick to it and pay off a debt- good luck!

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Yeah, we're feeling the "gotta fix the house" and one-income crunch right now ourselves, so I appreciate hearing we're not alone in the "have to cut back" issues. There's just never enough $ is there?!

But, hey yay for you and your toy business! That's great!