Tuesday, September 12, 2006


So here's the fallout from my misadventure this weekend:

MIL is completely burnt out on our kids. She keeps soldiering on, and she spent almost all weekend with one or both, but the poor woman needs a break.

Meimei had to stop nursing because they put me on Cipro, an antibiotic for the UTI I went in with and didn't know about. I pumped in the hospital, but now we have to try to get her back onto nursing. Today's the day.

Meimei took really well to formula and the bottle. She was a trooper and I don't know if she will go back on the breast, or if my milk supply was kept up enough to feed her.

Kitten has gotten rather blase about me, which sucks. She doesn't ask to be picked up by me anymore, not that I can anyway, and it's probably for the best that she doesn't ask then, but it makes me sad. When I came home, she was standing by the couch and turned to walk to SIL and let go of the couch for a second or two and actually took a step. I looked in amazement and everyone looked at me as if this were normal. And by that time, it was. Boo.

And Meimei has been constipated for days because of the formula and now is not and has poo coming out her ears.

Okay, I've put off the nursing long enough. I guess I have to try it. I'm just so angst-y over this, but I just have to get over it and do it already.


Kashka said...

I was going to say something reassuring along the lines of "this, too, shall pass" but then I realized that using that phrase during the week that someone's had a gallstone is, um, tacky.

But, look how I _still_ got the joke out there. Ain't I a stinker?

Seriously, though, kids do go through what Kitten's doing -- there was a time that my brother was wondering if La Mancha would ever warm up to him, and now, the way she follows him around, it's like she's got a metal plate in her head and he's got a magnet in his butt.

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Syl, you do what you gotta do. I'd offer to help out with a little babysitting, but the commute'd be hell. I CAN offer this hilarious and timely post from Halushki though... it's rather long, but I think she's in a place not so different from your own... http://yonkogirl.blogspot.com/2006/09/lactivists-anonymous.html

Jaysan said...

I still have never understood how anyone could deny "The Breast", but then again I might be delusional....

Allknowingjen said...

Well I can offer up some babysitting- I'd be happy to help! Whenever you'd like, seriously, just let me know. Hope the transitioning back to nursing went well!