Friday, September 29, 2006

News around el Casa del Pants

Please feel free to correct my Spanish, I don't actually know any. Except fake Spanish, like Donde esta el Wussy? El Wussy esta aqui.

Kitten is still testing limits, but is settling in. Now she is having trouble going to sleep and we have to go back to her room and reassure her that we are still here and we will play some more when she wakes up. She's still very confused about all the changes, I think, and she has never been one for change.

Meimei is growing fast (9 lbs. last Tuesday!) and is eating and sleeping well. Although she could be sleeping more. She's 5 weeks old and I am eagerly anticipating moving her to sleep in her own bed. And I am also awaiting the day when she sleeps more than 4.5 hours at a time in the night. Kitten was sleeping 6 hours at night by 2 months, if I remember correctly.

Because I don't yet have Meimei's insurance card, I can't pick up her medication unless I am inclined to pay $81 for it. And since I am not, she is just going to live with the acid until her card appears. But she seems not too terribly unhappy, or at least it's doable, so maybe we will skip the meds after all.

I made fantastic au jus sandwiches this evening from Rachael Ray's show.

I'm getting a bit more used to getting stuff done with one kid underfoot and one attached at the breast, and I actually got the bills paid today and some other stuff done online. And I got dinner cooked, but not a whole lot else done.


Allknowingjen said...

I think it should be "la" casa- but you are close!
And the rest of it isn't fake spanish, it IS Spanish. :)
Muy Bien!

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Yay for getting bills paid, stuff done, and dinner cooked! Those are definitely accomplishments with one underfoot and one attached!