Tuesday, September 12, 2006


The blossoming of Pants into a full-fledged involved dad in the last two months is amazing. I know I have complained in the past about his not helping out, his not knowing what to do with Kitten, his need to escape and have his own time. Who knew all I had to do was have a baby and surgery for him to step up his game.

Pants is Kitten's main care-giver these days. He gets her up in the morning, gets her dressed, off to daycare, picks her up, gets her fed, plays with her, cuddles her, hugs her. She laughs maniacally when she is playing with him. She calls his name all the time (although she does now differentiate and says mama too).

I find it easier to be sarcastic than sincere. This post is harder to put together than it should have been. The way Pants has stepped in with Kitten while I have been out of commission is truly amazing and I have a hard time making it not sound like a movie of the week.

And FH? It stands for Fabulous Husband. And only occasionally for fucker head.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

Awww, good for him. (And good for you!)

Allknowingjen said...

Yay for Pants! I knew he had it in him.

Anonymous said...

If it *were* a movie of the week, it would totally have to be called The Blossoming of Pants, because I've been giggling about that for a good five minutes now.

I'm glad he's kicking ass on this husband and father thing.

Kashka said...

Well, we knew he was a keeper when you weren't able to drive him out of the tri-state area....

And, wow, I'm all about the 10+ year old references today.

Syl said...

Ah, brings me back...

Anonymous said...

You've been through a lot, I'm glad your man stepped up to the plate for all of your sake. Now, the question is will he stay there? I know lots of guys who decide they can slack off after the need has passed. I hope he's not one of those guys.

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh, and then I had to share it with others. =) Fucker head... Love it.

No, that isn't all I got out of it, and that is totally awesome! But only occasionally fucker head... priceless. =)

Love ya!