Thursday, May 03, 2007

Maple trees for everyone!

Seriously, although I pulled about 50 tiny little rooted saplings out of the side yard this afternoon, I have a couple of lovely specimens in the soon-to-be-detroyed front garden bed. They are two feet tall (thereabouts), very skinny, easily pulled, transported, and transplanted. You, too, could have a gorgeous maple tree in, oh, about 20 years.

Let me know soon, as they get plucked this weekend, one way or another.


Pusher said...

Thanks for the offer, but I'm pretty sure we all pull up/mow over dozens of maple seedlings over the course of the summer.

Yay gardening!

Kashka said...

I can offer box elder trees, if anyone wants....

Jaysan said...

Garden Weasel?