Wednesday, May 30, 2007

One more

Ok, this one was too funny and I swore I was going to put it here but I forgot when I did the last post.

So we're at the doctor's office in the waiting room, and they have this Little Tykes house, and Kitten is checking it out and she's really excited and there are two chairs in there. She's sitting and coming out and going back in and sitting down. She's opening and closing the shutters.

Then she goes to the table and gets a magazine, opens it, says she's going potty, and goes back in the house and sits down.

And Pants and I nearly roll off our chairs laughing.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

That is HILARIOUS! And a two-seater is extra fancy, you know.

Pusher said...

Hee! That's funny stuff.