Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Meimei now has three teeth and can clap and wave. Who taught her to clap?

Kitten is now saying the word "stupid". After a day of Pants blaming it on daycare and me blaming his neices, we were cutting down bushes in the yard and something happened and I let out an, "Oh, stupid!" Crap.

We cut all the branches off the big arborvitae and bagged them up. And Pants hacked up the spirea with the trimmer thing we found in the shed. And I dug up another 60 or so dandelions (sans super-cool tool) but there are still so many. I think I have only angered them.

I've moved from ensuring that I wear nice shoes and try to wear non-jeans pants to work, to trying to remember to wear lip gloss. That's as far as I will go right now into the milieu of makeup, since my hair is so butch that it would look like putting rouge on a pig. That and I don't really have time. But anyway, lip gloss is the new frontier. I found a nice one, though, Rimmel Sweet Jelly. Totally not sticky, didn't make me look all weird like I was trying too hard, and it tasted good. And I found it on the first try. That's a win in my book.

I think I'm going back to a no purchase rule - my bank account is leaking like a sieve. I guess you can only really live that way for short periods of time, but it's been bad this month. Four birthdays, Mother's Day, cupcakes for daycare on Kitten's birthday, plant sale, it just doesn't end. I think I'm going to cycle on and off. Maybe that will work.

Oh, and an update on the war. So now, the majority of America doesn't think Iraq is/was a good idea, that it isn't worth the price we've paid. I guess hindsight is 20/20. Cuz there was no one saying this stuff when the war started. STILL THINK WE WERE LIBERAL, DOPE-SMOKING PEACENIKS, FREAK SHOW? Yeah, no one talks now about all the people who were against Iraq then. Hmmm.


Allknowingjen said...

Dayum- you do so much yardwork. Where on earth do you find the time?

Happy Birthday to Kitten! :)

Pusher said...

Hooray for yard progress! And yes, there will always be more dandelions.

As to the war, I hate to break it to you, but yes. The people who now think it was a bad idea do still think we're a bunch of liberal, dope-smoking peaceniks. See, to them, it's only not worth it now because it was so poorly handled, not because it was a bad idea in the first place. So we were still wrong to oppose it, and our opposition at that time merely proves our reflexive, knee-jerk pacifism and willingness to let the terrorists win. By contrast, THEIR ability to look back and say the war hasn't been worth the price we've paid is proof of their open-mindedness and flexibility, their ability to see the nuances of a changed situation. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late to play croquet with the queen.