Thursday, May 24, 2007

Random Thoughts

Whoo. It's been awhile. Pants is making slide show discs for a family reunion so he's been bogarting the laptop for days.

Weirdest bumper sticker I've seen recently - I'm covered by the blood of Jesus. At first I was sure it was a very evangelical Christian, but later I wondered if it was a very satirical Jew.

Man, do I have PMS. The great thing about the IUD is that I only get my period once every three months or so. The sucky thing is I'm never expecting it and I get three months worth of PMS. Blech.

In reality television news -
Yau-Man getting voted off the Island fourth to last? Pussies, all of you. You knew you would lose to him.
Blake not winning American Idol because he couldn't sing that god-awful song? Worst. Episode. Ever.
Jaslene winning ANTM? Ok, I can see that.

Kid has hit terrible twos. Pants and I both got swatted today by two-year-old because we didn't do as she wished. Including, Pants breaking up the cheese into four pieces. Apparently she wanted it in one big piece. Ok, this is stopping now.

New trend I hate: Having TV shows go a few minutes over the allotted half-hour or hour time-slot - Yes, I'm looking at you, Grey's Anatomy. 8-9:01 my ass.

Does anyone know someone in Oklahoma? Someone there said I referred them to AT&T for home service and I got points for it, but I don't know anyone there.


Allknowingjen said...

I think they've been doing that extra 10 minute thing to piss off the DVR people. They don't want you to Tivo it, they want you to watch the commercials....
it's annoying.

I was led to believe that the terrible twos were actually over by they time they are two? There goes that theory. Damn.

Anonymous said...

Terrible TWOS? Just wait til they're like 3 or 4. I was wishing I had my lovely 2 year old back at that point!