Thursday, May 10, 2007

My daring daughter

Or, Guess Who Has Rugburn?

Kitten has come alive this week in our evenings outside, becoming so much more daring than we thought possible for a child afraid of common household pets.

Tuesday MIL met us for dinner and then she and Pants took Kitten to the park behind the house (Meimei napped). Apparently at the park, Kitten not only learned to climb the steps to the slide, but the smaller covered slide has a 6-inch lip on it, so she dove in head first like SuperGirl. Then that was the only way she would go. Wednesday when I picked her up from daycare, she had rugburn on her nose - she tried to go down the Little Tykes slide head first.

Tonight, in addition to her feats on the slide, she decided to run through the sprinkler. This is a child who screamed last year when we dipped her feet in the super-cold pool on a 95 degree day. She first stood on the edge of the driveway where the sprinkler was hitting the pavement. Pants would grab her up every couple of minutes and run through the sprinkler with her. Then she just started running through herself. BY HERSELF!

She was soaked and got a bath. She sat in my lap in a diaper with her clean, baby-smelling skin, and asked to hold my apple. She started eating the apple just like me, without it being cut, skin and all. Holy crap!

And I cuddled her and combed her hair and smelled her baby-lotioned skin. She combed my hair and leaned back into me and ate my apple. Then I put her jammies on we read a book (three times) and she leaned into me and we sat for a few minutes before I took her to bed. Just the right amount of growing up and staying my little girl.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

Aw! Sweet!

Kashka said...

Yep, hold these times. Hold them hard. Not that it doesn't get better -- Wait until you get to take her to Target in her Snow White costume because that's what all the 4-year-olds are wearing to Target this year....

Happy Veggie said...

Wow, just nothing but cute kids today.

Allknowingjen said...

I know exactly how you feel- all of a sudden Attila is such a big girl. It's bittersweet.

Pusher said...

Aw. Way to appreciate those moments.