Monday, January 07, 2008

Spawn of the dead

As we were getting the kids down to bed last night, ran down the hall to her bedroom, tripped, and bit straight through her lower lip.

I was first on the scene ("There's blood.") and Pants threw Meimei into her crib and joined me in the bathroom with Kitten. As we got some of the blood cleared off, it was clear she would need stitches. Off the ER.

I'll spare you most of the details of how we couldn't be "fast-tracked" because she would require some mild sedation for the stitches, and the next 4 hours in the waiting room. (There was a particularly gruesome 90 minutes where Kitten would run over to a wall, pick up an invisible microphone, and sing what we later decided was "bad... ask anyone" repeatedly. If anyone knows what that might be from, please leave a note in the comments. I wish I had video.)

We got called in at 10:45 and they finally got down to sedation and stitches about an hour later. Again, I will spare you most of the gory details. The sedative was not complete, however, and Kitten ended up looking like a zombie during the stitching. It was total Night of the Living Dead.

So now we've joined the stitches club, 2 on the outside and 2 on the inside. The outside ones have to be removed on Friday.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

Oh God. Isn't it just awful. So sorry to hear about poor Kitten, and poor the rest of you, too. At least Pumpkin's stitches weren't really visible if I did her hair right, but Kitten's? Yeah, does not sound pretty.

Welcome to the club, and I'm sorry you're members!

Kashka said...

When asked about Kitten's face, I would say, "If you don't have them in a full-contact league by 3, they have no shot at the NHL."

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm so sorry poor little Kitten had to go through that. Sometimes you can't see the scars too much if they do a good job of it though.

I feel your pain. TBO has had stitches twice now and neither time was pretty. The last was particularly bad, as he almost cut off a finger. They didn't sedate him either time. I would say the wait for sedation would have been well worth it to me (especially the second time), but you may just want to strangle me for that statement. Let's just say it took 3 nurses and myself to hold him down while he was getting his stitches and the finger and surronuding area had been completely numbed. NOT pretty! I had a HUGE headache after ward, not to mention the fact that it was Easter so there were no pharmacies open. (Thank GOD for insty meds!)

Allknowingjen said...

Oh no! Glad everything was alright in the end, and she wasn't too upset ( I love that she was singing, but it doesn't sound familiar...)

Happy Veggie said...

Cool! When I was five, maybe four, I ran into the corner of a picnic table. The corner went through my bottom lip (four or five stitches), I still bite it regularly when I bite my lip, so the scar is still very there. Not as good as the bike accident, but good news is when they're this young, the scars heal pretty well. Just avoid the sun this summer (not that I need to tell the parent of a pale kid that)

Pusher said...

Ouch! Oh, poor Kitten. The ER sounds miserable too. I'm glad to hear she was somehow such a good sport about it. You deserve a nice, relaxing bubble bath or something after all that.