Friday, November 03, 2006

Ain't what it used to be

So MIL calls today and says she will come over if we want to go out and catch a movie or dinner. Holy crap, a movie? What's playing?

Running With Scissors looks good (The Departed is a bit violent for this girl and The Last King of Scotland is only playing at the Lagoon), so I look online for times. Pants wants to find something earlier than the 7:25 in Maple Grove that we have a gift certificate for, but the only other truly viable option is a 6:15 in Coon Rapids. It's already 6:04 and no MIL in sight, so we're not making that movie.

Instead of showering during naptime, I spent the entire time cleaning the kitchen so we don't look like neanderthals. Hours later, at about 5, this is done. I start getting dinner ready for Kitten and realize I have crap all over my shirt. So I have to change my shirt for the second time today. My pants are okay, I just purchased them today and left them on after trying them out at home.

No shower, not sure if we're going to see a movie, probably not even going to get any. Dating sure has changed.


Allknowingjen said...

Did you actually go see a movie? What did you see? I can't believe you didn't want to go see Marie Antoinette. ;)

Jaysan said...

Well, we just went and saw The Prestiege. It was not exactly what I was expecting, but still really good.
Though I was always expecting Alfred to stop working for Wolverine and go back to Batman....
You should always just "get some" when needed. I say 'Let em cry', just try not to be louder.

Unknown said...

What exactly is a movie again??? I'm lucky if I even get to go out to eat without the kids. It hasn't happened since a couple of months before the move.

Syl said...

We saw Running With Scissors, which was incredibly entertaining and incredibly weird. Meimei cried the whole time we were gone.