Monday, November 20, 2006

The MILF of 1985

One night, probably a Sunday, in 4th grade, I remembered our science projects were due the next day for the science fair. It was about 7 p.m. and I panicked and cried. But my mom built me a solar system out of old shirt boxes that we saved for Christmas, a long strip of wood to steady the thin cardboard, and several styrofoam balls she ran out and purchased from who-knows-where. We colored the whole thing with a black marker and painted orbits on with white-out.

Another time, I told mom in the morning that it was my week to bring a snack for Girl Scouts, which was immediately after school. There was, again, crying involved. I don't know how she did it, but she showed up with cookies for the meeting.

And for Halloween one year, I insisted on being an Ewok. Yes, Jedi had just come out, my brother and I had seen it 3 times in the theater, and they were the cutest little beings ever invented (to me, all you cynical Star Wars snobs). I still have the surprisingly good stuffed Ewok I got for Christmas that year. But the stores did not have Ewok costumes, unlike today when they would capitalize on the popularity shamelessly until every kid hated them. So my mom bought yards of fake fur and MADE me a costume. I believe she even took the day off on Halloween to finish it so I would have my wish (there might have been some procrastination involved on her part, but this is her post, so we won't beat that horse, just know that I come by it honestly). And I had the coolest costume ever. And the warmest.

And yeah, my mom was the hot mom.

(Something reminded me of the science fair project and all these other things came back. You rock mom!)


Kashka said...

Bonnie's birthday or just general Love? In either event, I second that emotion.

Jaysan said...

You should not be calling your own mom a MILF...