Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The joy of denial

Let me just say that denial, when used correctly, is quite a useful tool. There are times and places for denial.

Let me provide an example: When I was in the hospital awaiting my gall bladder surgery, which we weren't sure when it would take place because it was the weekend and my case was no longer an emergency, someone asked me if I was scared. I wasn't because I was in total denial. I had done what I needed to do: gotten myself to the emergency room while still leaving my kids cared for, worked out the whole nursing-while-in-hospital thing, made the decision to have the surgery immediately instead of coming back in a week or two, etc. Then I blissfully put it out of my mind. Why dwell? All emergent issues were taken care of, the decisions were made. Time to read my O! magazine and watch HGTV. This, my friends, is the time for denial.

Another wonderful time for denial is while you are waiting to have your kid. No sense dwelling, it's going to be what it is. Just go with the flow.

Blood in your urine? Call the doctor, set up the appointment, go on your merry way. Don't look it up on the internet and decide you have cancer. Don't put these thoughts in your head, just let the doctors work it out.

So folks, do what needs to be done and then let the chips fall after that. There are things you can control and things you can't. Control the ones you can and let the rest go.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

You know, I'm gonna tell myself that the next time I hit worry mode. Control what I can; let the rest go.

That or Serenity Now!


Anonymous said...

I really have to learn that trick! It seems my life is constant worry. Hopefully soon the dust will settle and life will be able to move forward.

I'm glad everything's working out for you.