Monday, November 20, 2006

Great hell, thy name is Teletubby

P.S. - my kid is in love with Teletubbies. I accidently left channel 22 on for a few minutes after Sesame Street was over while we got ready to leave, but when the Teletubbies came on, she was actually squealing in delight over it. Of all the inane, brain melting crap, she has to love this.

At least it's not Barney. I draw the line at watching Barney. And yes. We now watch Teletubbies because it provides me with another half hour in which I will not lose my fricken mind.


Kashka said...

The Teletubbies is about my favorite thing to have on the television if I'm hungover and can't get back to sleep. It asks nothing of you, and it's not really in English, so it's okay if you don't understand anything. It sure as hell beats that weird-ass show where the monsters look kinda like Teletubbies, but their heads look like when Luke took Vader's helmet off in Jedi. Dang, I can't think of the title and I sure ain't going looking for it. Floober or something.

Syl said...

That would be Boobah, also verboten in this household.

Allknowingjen said...

Teletubbies also gets a thumbs up here since it at least isn't Barney or Elmo- but we have only watched a couple of times. I am trying to get her to like Mr Rogers, he is so calm by comparison.
If you think Boobah is weird have you seen the one where the hands have eyes? creeps me out!

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Can I just say that I love your labels? :)

Pumpkin's current favorite is Balamory, which is apparently Scottish.

And now I'm going to have the theme song in my head the rest of the day... *sigh*