Thursday, November 30, 2006

New disciplinary tactic

So here's what I'm going to try. I'm going to put neon colored stickers on the things that are no-no's in the kitchen as a visual reminder to Kitten. There will be no more warnings on marked items, only an immediate time out when those items are touched.

Kitten has gotten used to getting away with the first touch and tends to try to get those in now when we aren't looking, although she gives herself away by either banging the cabinet door, staying too long at whatever she is doing, or showing up in the livingroom with pasta. I am hoping this new tactic will stop her from doing the things she knows are wrong at least most of the time.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to wish you luck with this one. It's a fabulous idea but I'm not sure if it will work. Kids this age have no self control, so if they want to play a game with you they're going to do it whether they're punished or not. I'd just put a baby gate in the doorway to the kitchen and only allow her to be in there if you're in there. She's obviously just looking for some negative attention and I would refuse to play that game. Good luck with whatever you try though!

Anonymous said...

Question, does every one else have to enter the words twice in order to get their comments published? I have noticed that before I started doing them twice none of my previous comments were published. Kind of frustrating.