Sunday, April 29, 2007

Just really oddly shaped

So here's why I don't want to buy any new clothes:

If any of you have had your gall bladder removed (and okay, so you probably haven't, but if you know someone), you know the gastronomical effect it can have. The gall bladder stores bile and injects it into your intestines to assist in processing fat. When you don't have one, you have no injection of bile to help you process fat, the bile just sort of leaks into your intestine all the time instead of only at the right time. So you don't process fat correctly. You do the math.

So now I can't really eat fast food. Or anything greasy, like pizza, etc. And this, as you can imagine, is having a positive effect on my weight issues. It's going slowly, which is fine and it's how it's supposed to be. But I'm sort of in between sizes right now, the fat clothes are too big and the thin clothes are too small. I don't know what to do about it. But I can't buy anything else because it will be a huge waste. I will (hopefully) only be able to wear it for a couple of weeks before it's useless.

The problem is this - everything is headed south. In a hurry. I don't think my skin is going to bounce back from this. I don't know if I will ever be able to wear cute clothes again, or look good in anything. Disheartening. It kinda takes the excitement out of losing weight. Damn.


Allknowingjen said...

Don't be too hard on yourself. You know how you look at pictures of yourself from 10 years ago thinking "Wow! I looked good! What on earth was I worried about?!" - I have it on good authority that once you hit 50, you would kill for the skin you had in your 30's. We're all our own worst critics, I'm sure it's better than you think.

Pusher said...

Oh pffft. Maybe your skin won't bounce back, but so what? We're not supposed to look 18 forever. That's creepy and gross. Things are supposed to move south — otherwise you end up looking like Sally Field. Yikes.

This doesn't mean you won't be able to wear cute clothes. You've got a great sense of style, and it'll adapt, and you won't look 18, but that doesn't mean you won't look fabulous.

sullenfish said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Let the clone harvest commence!

Ms. Huis Herself said...

And I know you're trying not to spend right now, but I gotta put a plug in for places like Arc of Hennepin County, consignment stores, etc. If you put in a little time, you can find some decent stuff for not much. Maybe just a couple of pieces could help you transition between the big and little clothes, you know...

Happy Veggie said...

I think you'll be amazed at your skin. After a lifetime of being majorly overweight, my former manager lost over 100 pounds, and now looks super cute all the time. No mid drift baring stuff, but thats not wise for a mom type anyones, just ask the What Not To Wear people. Of course, I'm partially saying that to try to convince myself that my skin will recover from gaining 70+ pounds with pregnancy while already being 80+ pounds overweight, and hoping to lose it all.

Allknowingjen said...

The picture in my head of Syl looking like Sally Field is cracking me up!