Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Want to see my etchings?

So, we didn't measure the house really on Saturday. We measured the yard and where the house/garage is located in the yard, but we didn't measure the house. I just made some half-assed guesses based on what we had and went off that.

Last night I went out and measured the house and the front walk and the location of the windows (so I don't cover them with bushes) and my drawing was WAY OFF. No wonder I couldn't fill the space. It was huge!!

So now I have a better drawing to work from, one with windows marked off and the curve of the sidwalk drawn in. I have a plan for the nook tucked into the curve, but the rest is still a mystery.

I have yet to draw out the whole yard, but I might take a crack at it yet tonight, at least get the scale down, the yard on paper, and place the house in it. I can work the landscaping beds later, once I get some measurements on the trees that are staying.

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