Monday, August 07, 2006

Destined for a particular lifestyle

Ok, apparently some people think we should actually start trying to name Meimei. In fact, after "Dear god, when are you due?", this is the most common question we get.

So I have been reviewing baby names and check out what I found:

My favorite bad name? Gayden Sledge. Although I think it's for a boy, so we're out of luck on this one. It was allegedly culled from actual sources (announcements, yearbooks, etc.), so somewhere out there, there is actually a Gayden Sledge.

And our frontrunners?
Lauren, still a top contender.
Calleigh, a new one that I kinda like. (not pronounced like KAY-lie, more like the Calla Lily)
May, Pants's favorite, although we agree it doesn't seem to fit our last name. Or LaMaySheequa, whichever rolls off the tongue better.
MIL likes Kale and Kaelin, but since we already know a Kale, probably not that one. And Pants' cousin married a Kaelin, a guy at that, so I don't know. I like the names, but hate confusion.
We've discussed Jacinda/Lucinda, but we're on opposite sides of that slash mark and can't agree.
Pants kinda likes Savannah, but I kinda don't.
We both liked Drew, but no one else seems to. But no one liked Kitten's name at first either.
Brooke has been mentioned, but not again. Kinda nice.


Kashka said...

Not sure if you're opening this up to voting, but I'd go with Calleigh, because I think we've finally figured out how to properly pronounce Kitten's name and we wouldn't want to have to give up that occasional game of verbal tennis:




"La. Um, La?"

Syl said...

Voting is perfectly acceptable. And it's Lee at the end, although I hate to ruin the game.

Jaysan said...

No matter what you put on the birth certificate I shall always refer to her as "The Deuce".

Ms. Huis Herself said...

You know, you don't HAVE to go to the hospital with a name. I'm just saying, some of us had to throw in the piece of paper with the many, many possibilities listed on it when we packed our bag after our water broke. And they do let you call them "Baby Gender LastName" for a while, if you still haven't decided... Not that anybody in our household was nameless for more than 24 hrs...

However, I do kind of like Calleigh. It would go well with Kitten's name both phonetically and interestingly-spelled-ly and all.