Monday, August 21, 2006

Still here

No baby yet. I'm still here. I might go walk Ikea today to try to get some things moving. I have quite a few things to do here too, so maybe not.

Kitten was a touch crabby this weekend, crying at the drop of a hat. Don't know what was up with her, but her eating was off too.

El Presidente broke into programming this morning to talk about the deteriorating situation in Lebanon, so I was forced to watch the E! True Hollywood Story on Punky Brewster. Do I not care about Lebanon? It's really just that watching Bush speak and answer questions makes my skin crawl. I feel dirty.

Meimei is moving all over the place and it's been mentioned that I look shrink-wrapped, that you can almost pick out body parts I am stretched so tight.

I don't think I would hug Bob Barker. He just seems really lecherous and creepy.

How come Jews can eat the front half of the cow and not the back half?

I didn't notice that all news was JonBenet focused until Big Daddy pointed it out, but it's true. I think I know why this case has always been such big news, but can we just wait for the DNA and stop speculating and rehashing?

By the way, this case was so big (in my opinion) for the following reasons:
  • Timing: killed on Christmas day - does it get more tragic than that?
  • Affluence: Rich family, nice house, wealthy, quiet town (this type of thing doesn't happen here...)
  • Oddity of crime: Kidnapping turned to murder, body found in house by own father, weird ransom note on paper from the house, etc.
  • Cuteness factor: If the kid had big ugly buckteeth and bad skin, this wouldn't have gotten nearly as much play
  • Botched police work: this plays into everyone's secret love of a conspiracy
  • Parents under suspicion: This is just the cherry on the voyeurism cake, adding scandal and the slight ick factor that keeps people coming back, giving everyone a black and white issue to argue - did they or didn't they?


Allknowingjen said...

What? No picture? ;)
Though that description does give me a pretty good mental image.

Jaysan said...

Have you tried to induce labor "manually"?

Syl said...

Afraid to ask what you mean by that. And the answer is no.