Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Last chance

Last chance to get in name suggestions and votes on the current list. Let me know, flood me with names. The Irish requirement has been thrown out for all intents and purposes, but it does get you bonus points. The only real requirements anymore are that the name isn't on the (American) most popular lists for the last several years and that it's not tragically cutesy. Also, it shouldn't make any icky initials with our last name (pretty much throws out any "B" names, BM is not a great monogram, but my mom's is BS and she manages, so what the hell).


Anonymous said...

Hee! My mom was BS and is currently BM ;-) I've never heard her complain about either. But she doesn't monogram anything, either...
Best wishes for a quick, safe, and undamaging labor (labor apparently being defined as after your water breaks)!!

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Ooh! Best of luck! I'm still a fan of Calleigh or Kirsten... I'll throw out a few more Irish names just 'cuz they're pronounced so differently than spelled... you've got Aoife (Eefah), Caoimhe (Quee-vah), and Niamh (Neeve), in case you need even more choices.
We'll be sending easy labor thoughts your way (and "it's time to get out!" thoughts to Meimei.)

Jaysan said...

I have always liked Samantha. Though I shall always call her "The Deuce".

Allknowingjen said...

Cates (too trendy?)

Kashka said...

I don't have any names, but can I say, please not Meredith -- I would be forced to put "Baxter Birney" after it in my head every time.

Although, I have always liked Simone, the 3-syllable version.

Allknowingjen said...

Well now you've gone and ruined Meredith for me!

Jaysan said...

Jezabel is good too (Jessie for short). Almost no one remembers the old fashioned connotation anymore.

Or you could officially dub her The Deuce, you might even be able to get some ad money out of ESPN2....